Friday, December 3, 2010

For a party-

1 pkg marzipan (almond paste)
1 bag white chocolate chips, melted
about 1/2 c. dried cranberries
about 1/2 c. pistachios, chopped

Divide marzipan into 4 equal sections. Roll each of them out into a thin layer like cookie dough. (Use powdered sugar to keep it from sticking instead of flour.)
Then layer marzipan, melted chocolate, cranberries and pistachios.
Do this over and over. Put it in the fridge to harden.
Once it's firm, cut it into little squares.
Serving them cold is best. They're firmer that way.
These are great to take to a party because they are easy, but look pretty. The pistachios are a little greener in person than in the picture. Very festive with the cranberries.

Anyone have holiday recipes to share? or more easy dinners?

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